
From Badge Wiki
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Badge Wiki is a knowledge base created for the Open Badges community. It is stewarded by the Open Recognition is for Everybody (ORE) community which is supported by We Are Open Co-op and Participate in accordance with Open Recognition Alliance principles.

The only way that it improves and grows is by everyone getting involved! It doesn't matter whether you're someone who likes writing whole pages, uploading resources, or correcting grammar, we need a wide range of talents and efforts to grow this wiki.

Getting started

  1. Log in (or request an account)
  2. Once you have requested an account, please check your email for a temporary password. You will need to create a new password.
  3. Identify work that needs doing (e.g. add a badge programme, a badge example, some research, or answering a frequently-asked question)
  4. Add content to the relevant page (or create a new page!). Check out well-structured pages such as this one as a guide.
  5. Save your work, providing a summary of what you've done
  6. (optional) Introduce yourself to the community and tell everyone what you've contributed!

Additional resources

  • Consult the User's Guide for information on using MediaWiki (the software that powers this website)
  • Check out the Wikipedia Community Portal to get an idea of the look/feel for what we're trying to create
  • Browse the archived web version of Stewart Mader's Wikipatterns resource (using the links at the very bottom of each page to navigate)

Badge Wiki Badges

Barn Raiser x5 Badge
Barn Raiser x5

There are different Badges can be earned either during the barn raisings or after people worked in the wiki on their own. To claim one of the Badges, participants can go to a thread in the Open Recognition is for Everybody (ORE) community and link to the things they have edited, written or changed. Afterwards they'll receive the Badge or multiple ones. Or they can claim them via the barn raising community calls.

Barn Raiser Badge

Description: This badge is issued to people who came to a barn raising for Badge Wiki. From small edits, restructuring the wiki or creating new pages, this badge is for community members who worked together to make Badge Wiki more useful.

Criteria: Earner came to a community barn raising session.

Wiki Author

Barn Raiser x5

Description: The earner of this badge joined 5 different Badge Wiki barn raisings calls and contributed to overhauling Badge Wiki.

Criteria: The earner has to attend at least 5 barn raisings to receive the badge.

Badge Wiki Author

Description: A badge wiki author works collaboratively or alone to form pages that elucidate, define, present, or teach.

Wiki Fairy

Criteria: The earner of this badge has to write content into the wiki and report back to the community by either talking about it in the Badge Wiki call or by posting it into the community.

Badge Wiki Fairy

Description: A Badge Wiki Fairy is active behind the scenes making things look good by adding pictures, colour, style and structure.

Criteria: The earner of this badge has to overhaul, style or restructure parts of the wiki and report back to the community by either talking about it in the badge wiki call or posting it into the community.

Badge Wiki Gardener

Wiki Gardener

Description: A Badge Wiki Gardnener plants things, tends, prunes, tidies and generally nurtures the wiki.

Criteria: To earn this badge the earner has to garden parts of the wiki and report back to the community by either talking about it in the Badge Wiki call or posting it into the community.