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Open Recognition is for Everybody (ORE)

ORE Logo CC BY-ND Bryan Mathers

ORE is a Community of Practice focused on how recognition helps drive pro-social behaviours and empowers individuals and communities to represent themselves authentically and holistically.

The People in this community are front line educators, programme designers and learner advocates. They are the people who are motivated and influential in getting organisations to start thinking about upskilling and recognition in a non-traditional way. This is a place in which contribution badges can recognise participation, creation, and reflection, as well as act as credentials.


  • Participation is free and accessed by joining the ORE Community of Practice on Participate.com.
  • ORE hosts a monthly Open Recognition call with participants from multiple continents.
  • Organic participation in the community includes discussion threads and resource sharing.
  • Many contributors to this badge.wiki resource are also ORE members.

🎯 Mission

ORE stands for "Open Recognition is for Everybody". By this, the community means that it is particularly interested in the intersection of open recognition, open badges, a web-native way of issuing recognition, and Communities of Practice (CoP). The community includes members who have invented and pioneered badge systems, technologies, standards and everything else badges. People in this community are front line educators, programme designers and learner advocates who want to spread the word about open recognition. They are motivated and influential in getting organisations to start thinking about upskilling and recognising in a non-traditional way. Contribution badges in the ORE community can recognise participation, creation, and reflection, as well as act as credentials. The focus is on how recognition helps drive pro-social behaviours and empowers individuals and communities to represent themselves authentically and holistically.

This is a project focused towards people who are curious about recognition, badges and CoPs.

🗓️ History

This community was formerly known as "Keep Badges Weird (KBW)", which started as a code name for a collaborative project between Participate and We Are Open Co-op. It became clear that the "project" was a Community of Practice, for which Participate sponsors community building, moderation and the platform. After a year of KBW, moderators conducted a survey to see what members were thinking and feeling about their participation. Some members were worried the name "Keep Badges Weird" was not inclusive enough. After some discussion, the community decided to rename itself to "Open Recognition is for Everybody (ORE)".

The "Everybody" (as opposed to "Everyone") in the title is a reference to bell hooks after Anne Hilliger, a community moderator, led the creation of the free email course "Feminism is for Everybody, Especially Educators" and referenced bell hooks' work.

The rebrand showcases that this community's interest goes beyond open badges and that it is time for a bigger tent.